I was surfing the net the other day when I accidentally clicked on Bing.com. I generally just click "Back" unless there is an interesting image displayed on the search page. Yesterday, the current image was of the Webb Bridge in Melbourne, Australia.
I particularly enjoy the web-like design of this structure. It's necessarily because of the look of the web itself, which seems a bit obvious, but more so the way the web envelopes the entire bridge without sacrificing views of the environment around it. The bridge's aquatic context also piques my curiosity. Everyone most likely will say "Elliot, most bridges make bodies of water crossable. Of course the bridge will be reflected in the water." However, there is something different about this reflection. Since I'm only going on first impressions at the moment, I'll first say that this bridge reminds me--of course--of a spider web. Double entendre, anyone? When I look at this image, however, I don't necessarily see a true web-like image until I look at the bridge's reflection. The concavity of the reflection truly implies a web image, as if some Lord of the Rings-esque spider is going to crawl down and trap an equally strange Lord of the Rings-esque creature (Frodo, anyone?) there. Then again, I'm just a first year architecture student. What do I truly know from an architectural standpoint? If you want some more information and images about the bridge, check out Architectural Record's page. Just an image for your consideration. G'day, mates!
FASCINATING! I'll have to go check it out.